1- Start with the most up to date information by going to http://www.gre.org
Check back frequently to stay aware of GRE events.
2- Divide your time between the three sections: Math(Quantitative), Vocabulary and Reading(Verbal), and Analytical Writing(Essay).
3-Give yourself at least 4 weeks to prepare. 45 minutes twice a day for 4 weeks = 2520 minutes or 42 hours. That type of preparation really pays off. If you only have a few days, math is the easiest to section to earn points on, since building a new vocabulary takes practice.
4- For vocabulary, practice vocabulary lists and latin roots of words, dictionary.com can help you find the latin roots and help with pronunciation.
5- For Math, focus on 9th to 11th grade math. The GRE does not test calculus, trigonometry, or advanced algebra.
6- For the essay section, practice OUTLINING essays. The framework is harder than the filling for each section. If you have extra time, google "common english grammar mistakes" and use it to your advantage.
7- Get outside help. Go to your local college campus library and you will find many Expensive books for the GRE. You can use these books for free by using your library card.

Check back frequently to stay aware of GRE events.
2- Divide your time between the three sections: Math(Quantitative), Vocabulary and Reading(Verbal), and Analytical Writing(Essay).
3-Give yourself at least 4 weeks to prepare. 45 minutes twice a day for 4 weeks = 2520 minutes or 42 hours. That type of preparation really pays off. If you only have a few days, math is the easiest to section to earn points on, since building a new vocabulary takes practice.
4- For vocabulary, practice vocabulary lists and latin roots of words, dictionary.com can help you find the latin roots and help with pronunciation.
5- For Math, focus on 9th to 11th grade math. The GRE does not test calculus, trigonometry, or advanced algebra.
6- For the essay section, practice OUTLINING essays. The framework is harder than the filling for each section. If you have extra time, google "common english grammar mistakes" and use it to your advantage.
7- Get outside help. Go to your local college campus library and you will find many Expensive books for the GRE. You can use these books for free by using your library card.