The following strategies can answer questions about solving problems concerned with the analysis of data to help:
Verification of the data to see what's going on, but I try not to analyze in detail before reading the question. Focus on those aspects of data that are required to answer the question. Make sure all the notes to read.
If possible, try to visual comparisons of data on the graph, and production of the products estimation and quotients rather than perform the necessary calculations involved.
Please note that these issues are given only on the basis of the data, the daily circumstances (such as number of days per year), and knowledge of mathematics that must be answered.
Do not use a piece of information to remember that they are the particular circumstances under which the questions, except that the information derived from the data may be affected.

Directions: Each of the questions the interpretation of data from five possible answers. given for each of these questions, most of the answers to choose from.
(There are seven examples of questions in this section.)
Questions immediate reactions to your answers. If your answer is correct, select button response to green when it is false, the button turns red.
By clicking on the "Background" button, which appears in certain respects, provides an explanation of the answer.
Your percentage of correct answers in each part is calculated and displayed for informational purposes.