If you are engaged to prepare your GRE test probably you feel more common and easy with different types of questions with many types you see. now it is time for you to get ready for practice.
Start Memorize your Formula:
This test has no particular formula but only some are are slope and geometry formulas.
Check and Practice your Math Skills.

Take practice tests:
After you've checked your math and have basic math skills polished, then you should look out for some practice tests.
This will help you deal with different kinds of questions that will come your way on the test.
It will also help you understand the information that you put to the test that will help, can save time when you can see getting used to.
There are two practice tests on this page: Test I, warm-up test and test II, adaptive testing.
NOT Cram the night before the test:
Yes, I go to math problems, but do not do it before the night, and not over do it the night before. If you overload your brain in a short period of time can try to explode during the test (or at least feel like it.
Do not stay up all night:
Yes, I know that maybe hard to come by early in the evening before the big test bed, but do not try to stay up all night. I tell students that they slept the night before the exam and to the point during the test. Even if you do not go to sleep, your brain will be tired, and therefore will not be able to exploit their full potential.