1. Start browsing the universities offering the desired sequence. A very wise thing to do at the time of joining the USEFI in your city. Your library has a huge database of the Princeton Review guides that are classified along the stream, and provides detailed information on what level (MS or PhD) are offered in school fees, etc. The various factors to be taken into account in the final list are:
a. Classification
b. Program Type
c. Fees, charges and expenses
d. financial aid options for students
e. desi community, which means the international adoption rate of students
f. collaborate with the medical center
g. research funding
h. Location and Climate

3. Of course, the final list, this is a time consuming task and a lot of ideas going into it. Approximately eight universities is a satisfactory, but even if you are very sure to come, apply to at least five places.In this time, start doing the paperwork. There are 3 main things they need.
LETTERS recommendations (3): demand more unis 3, Part 2 For tips on how to prepare lors, try to google the LOR as a keyword. Choose recommenders carefully. Lor strong someone not well known abroad, is better than average, Lor of eminent personalities. Another thing, keep in mind that universities may have their own format for recommendations on forms downloaded from the website. Print and ask teachers to sign and fill the tables, if any. You can always add a complete lors these forms, while ensuring that factual information is completely filled.
Statement of Purpose (SOP): This is the whole and soul of each application. There are plenty of sites that say, what happens in the right SOP. . You should discuss the purpose of graduate study and adapt the lessons of the past for their own purposes. Mention of such a degree that would be consistent with what you plan to do and what their career goals. Will you be able to achieve what you want from the masters or PhD to be the next step? Be humble, but not to the point, sounding slavish. A student is very clear about your goals ... the trick is to create the impression that their words. Remember that if you just want to know their achievements, to see your CV. Do not be too long and full of clichés. A good SOP interesting, insightful, revealing, and not generic.
Transcript: Well, you better start working on it, as you can. official work like this can take centuries to do so. A financial aid opportunities are better, if the proposal soon. Most of the demand for a university, but some require two copies. For all these documents, take the signature and seal of the flap over closure after them.
Some universities expect to face a single administrative unit, a study in which all documents must be sent. But there are places that ask you to send scores and transcripts from the office of school leavers and the LOR and SOP for an internship for the service. Be sure to send the documents in the right place.
4. At a time when you have finished the final list of candidates, the fax requesting the Court to send GRE and TOEFL at $ 15 for college. The shape and number to be faxed are available on the site. Make sure you have double the institute and the Deptt. appropriate codes. This can take up to a month for the School to present their results, so be sure to meet all deadlines. If you are dangerously close to the deadline, the Court also has a provision for procedures for submitting an opinion calling available on the website. It is only 5 days to assess which are transmitted by these routes, and also leaves much lighter pockets.
5. Preparing your CV and put it in the application package.
6. Online application is welcomed by most universities, and in some cases, it is also cheaper. For those sites that have no web applications for foreign students have to go through the task of downloading the paper application and get your bank to demand an international project. Scope of the School charges between $ 35 - $ 75.
Always keep a record of what everyone is sent to a specific location. Even if you send the SOP online application, you will most likely graduate adviser may request another copy later.
1. Research Internship
2. Teaching assistantships
3. College scholarships and departmental scholarships. In most places, which are automatically considered for all available funding opportunities.
External Funding: This grant loans and advances educational trusts.
When applying for internships, you may find some colleges that recommend and necessarily require an assessment of TSE (Test of Spoken English) for teaching assistantships. With regard to the advice of renowned international institutes, graduate advisor, I would say, smarter than you can do is wait until you know your status of acceptance. First, not all institutions in the demand for this result, why incur additional costs. Again, if you are offered research assistantship is not necessary TSE. If you are offered teaching assistantships, you can go and take the SPEAK test offered on campus in most institutions.
It is important to choose a university, the program that suits your profile. Your CV and SOP to build his image, and you must paint a picture that fits the profile of a college student looking for. If the committee considers the university to which they are overqualified for the standards of the average student can only spend your money on this proposal. Be cautious in the final choice of college. simple rule of thumb is to choose three schools can get from a bank, three universities, which may or may not sleep, and two universities, where their chances, does not seem that great, but you should take your chance.